About the Author

S.T.S. Martin earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology, with a second major in English, from the University of New Mexico, and she graduated with a Master of Arts in English from The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. She lives in the beautiful Southwest and enjoys drawing, painting, and hiking.

Why Science Fiction and Fantasy?

New worlds, escape, and adventure draw many readers to science fiction and fantasy. For me, two ideas give those elements their flare: high stakes and a sense of wonder.


Whether the heroes must save their village, country, or universe, the stakes go far beyond everyday problems, but still connect back to real life. The characters experience the same kinds of hopes, fears, struggles, and triumphs as readers—except with maximum peril. Overcoming inner conflicts and finding a place in the community are important not only for the protagonist’s personal happiness but also for the success of the whole mission.

Wonder gives the novel's world as much depth as its characters. Imagery delivers that awe through both special effects and insights about the setting. Little kids wander around fascinated by the smallest details because everything is new to them, unlike for everyone else. Stories help readers recapture that curiosity by exploring amazing lands, while at the same time, discovering the incredible in the ordinary.

I write to inspire wonder, foster adventures, and share the world’s beauty.